Polina has been into K-pop since 2018. Her way started from individual learning of K-pop choreographies, with having a lot of experience in dancing since childhood.
Polina has a background of such styles as hip-hop, modern, classic dances. Her way with teams started in 2019, but she loves to grow up in her professionalism and she was invited to professional group. With them she learned how to record impressive cover dance videos, how to express emotions to camera, and how to perform in worldwide festivals.
After moving to Lithuania, she noticed that K-pop is not developed well, so she decided to contribute to development of Korean culture to Lithuania. In 2023 The time has arrived for Polina to share her experience and her ambition to build her own friendly community – a K-pop cover dance team.
With her friendly and energetic attitude no part of the team will feel left out or unmotivated during the lessons. With her outgoing nature the team will feel like a huge friend group, sharing a single passion. As long as you wish to share that passion and be a part of the team, she will make sure to help you reach the top.
Now she is increasing her skills not only in K-pop, but also in such styles as vogue, house, hip-hop, contemporary. And she is not going to stop on it, because K-pop is a mix of different styles.
Even though she is a young teacher you can notice her and her students in various festivals and events, such as Baisun festival and Unicon festival (Riga).
“In my trainings you will learn a lot of various choreographies: old, new, boys, girls’ groups. Positive mood and energy boost after trainings!”
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SKILLZ – nuo 2010 metų veikianti šokių studija, po vienu stogu auginanti hip hop, house, popping, locking, breaking, dancehall, solo latino, vogue, locking ir kitų stilių šokėjus. Kiekvieną sezoną SKILLZ tampa antrais namais daugybei nuolatinių šokėjų. Dėl geros ir darbingos atmosferos SKILLZ traukia ir ne vietinius šokėjus, kurie, būdami Vilniuje, nepraleidžia progos ateiti pasitreniruoti.
Dėl šokių salių nuomos kreiptis:https://sokiusales.lt/ nurodytais kontaktais (galima nuoma tiek vienai valandai tiek visam sezonui)