You will get full documentation, including hire systems, instructions, all blanks and work report blanks for all roles of dance studio. SKILLZ is working studio since 2010, and we grow until 1000 students with 12 teachers only. So it means we are very efficient. I know, sounds like a lot of informations, but tt doesn’t mean you have to hire all people at once, most of the roles can cooperate as freelance or be posponed. Also you will get basic role scheme to make it work more effectively. All necessary documentation for these roles:
1. Administration – person who work with client database, complete registrations, communicate and always available for dance teachers, clients and organisation.
2. Marketing – studio positioning, unique message and branding.
3. Advertisement – content post map, best practises on social media, google, meta, etc. all instructions and knowledge – know how
4. Event organising – to organize from small to big events (up to 5000 people) all roles documentation. Most of the roles can be volunteers. Volunteers requiting and motivational systems.
5. Dance teacher – one of the biggest roles in the studio. You will get full system starting from casting – finishing dance teacher 4 month course and growth and motivation systems. Works like a charm.
6. Location and venue – u will get full information and analysis how to choose the venue for studio, how to do reconstruction for less money and how to find right contractors.
7. Director – most important role, but you don’t have to be the owner and director. Still director have to learn a lot, but everything come with time and documentation will help to do it in short term.
8. Accountant – you can find as freelance, but all example documentation is provided.
9. Technical support – make sure you will choose right sound system, we have big experience in this are as well, for clients and teachers it will be great sound quality and less money and durability for you as owner.
10. Videographer – camera man is one of important roles, because dance is visual art and sound mixed together and video will help to get cue of clients. All documentation how to work effectively is provided, you you will save time and money.
11. Sales manager – you will hire coaches, teach them, but you still will have much time free. So you can rent free time on weekends and day time, so you will get the sales man full documentation to make it more convenient.
you will get 20 years experience in one place
all documentation was tested many years and fixed to be more effective
our experience it hard work for many years to seek perfectionism in all aspects
we will support you on any steps of adaptation to your local market
with our business model you will have unbeatable company from very first moment!
Only full documentation
If you want to do everything by yourself and get copy of all documentation and knowledge as example to use for your own company, explanation of documentation will be provided!
Full documentation + 1 year support
If you want fully understand the documentation and get full support for one year to apply documents. After you will able to use it easily.
Full documentation + unlimited support
If you want fully understand the documentation and get full unlimited support as long as you need it on any stage of development.
Return on investment is incredibly great, we understand it sounds complicated, but with our support u will return you investment in one year for sure. In some cases it can happen in first months.
6-7 teachers
2-3 halls
Yes, it depend on how many halls you will take and how many good teachers you will hire. Actually amount for is almost the same if you take more halls and teachers at once. We will teach you everything and help solve most of the problems. But better to have more time before launch (at least 6-10 months) for everything.
3-4 teachers
1 hall
To take less risk by taking less responsibilities by taking rent and save some money on constructions, but return on investment extends. Also you need less time preparation, in best case you can arrange most of the things in 2-3 months without much stress and you dont need big team. You and your helper can take it all.
As additional information I invite you to talk and ask your questions because we have huge detailed experience in all aspects of this business, know all common problems, how to effectively solve it and so on. Usually dance studios are opened by art people, this is why if you are familiar with business you will get big advantage with our knowledge.
Our biggest goal is to create a network of studios who do quality customer care, grow they team and earn more money. In Europe more than 100 cities with population more than 0,5 million people so potentially we can have network of 100 studios only in Europe!
Ką daryti užsiregistravus? Turite kitų klausimų? Skaityk D.U.K. Neradai atsakymo, parašyk mums!
SKILLZ – nuo 2010 metų veikianti šokių studija, po vienu stogu auginanti hip hop, house, popping, locking, breaking, dancehall, solo latino, vogue, locking ir kitų stilių šokėjus. Kiekvieną sezoną SKILLZ tampa antrais namais daugybei nuolatinių šokėjų. Dėl geros ir darbingos atmosferos SKILLZ traukia ir ne vietinius šokėjus, kurie, būdami Vilniuje, nepraleidžia progos ateiti pasitreniruoti.
Dėl šokių salių nuomos kreiptis: nurodytais kontaktais (galima nuoma tiek vienai valandai tiek visam sezonui)