We are glad that you rented the studio space. To ensure the best dancing experience in our studio, please follow these rules:
Thank you very much <3
How to unlock smart locks
For security reasons, after visitors are admitted, the doors are kept locked during activities.
Opening with code
1. When you arrive, swipe your hand across the top of the lock to make the numbers light up
2. Press the two random numbers that appear
3. Enter the code you have and press the grid #
Remote opening
1. Upon arrival, wait for the administrator to remotely open the hall
Opening with fingerprint
1. Upon arrival, attach a fingerprint
Making a free passage
1. After entering the code or adding your finger, slide by the keyboard without touching, then keys lights up, enter 1 2 3 and press grid #
2. Lock will inform you by sound about „Passage mode is enabled”
Switching off (closing) the free passage
1. Enter a code or add a finger
2. The lock is triggered twice (opening and closing)
3. Check if locked
Closing the venue
1. After closing the lock lift the handle up to secure the venue
Switch the equipment on on arrival and off on departure.
Entrance and corridor lights are switched on the wall at the stairs. All switches on/off when entering/leaving the premises.
Foyer, corridor and changing room lights are switched on/off at the reception desk.
In the halls, the lights are turned on/off inside the hall by the hall door.
In this case, if something is not working properly, e.g. the audio (aux) cable is not working, a light bulb is burnt out, the hall was unlocked and there was no one in the hall when you arrived, the walls are smudged/damaged, the mirrors are cracked and etc. are damaged or otherwise left unattended, it is essential to take a photo of the room and report it to info@skillz.lt and in case of an urgent case, call +37067390267
Ką daryti užsiregistravus? Turite kitų klausimų? Skaityk D.U.K. Neradai atsakymo, parašyk mums!
SKILLZ – nuo 2010 metų veikianti šokių studija, po vienu stogu auginanti hip hop, house, popping, locking, breaking, dancehall, solo latino, vogue, locking ir kitų stilių šokėjus. Kiekvieną sezoną SKILLZ tampa antrais namais daugybei nuolatinių šokėjų. Dėl geros ir darbingos atmosferos SKILLZ traukia ir ne vietinius šokėjus, kurie, būdami Vilniuje, nepraleidžia progos ateiti pasitreniruoti.
Dėl šokių salių nuomos kreiptis:https://sokiusales.lt/ nurodytais kontaktais (galima nuoma tiek vienai valandai tiek visam sezonui)